Water line leak in Florence, Kentucky

Water line leak in Florence, Kentucky

Water line leak in Florence, Kentucky involved a water meter in the middle of the front yard with the water service entering the home in the middle of the yard. Should have been a straight shot from meter to house, but no, the water line ran 15 ft over, to under the driveway, which was

Water Pipe Leak in Cincinnati, Ohio

Water Pipe Leak in Cincinnati, Ohio

This water pipe leak is the most challenging,  due to the lack of ability to isolate the system. Most jobs have a water meter or shutoff valve outside the building so you can shut down the system to add compressed air and helium, to allow for better leak detection. This one had 7 large apartment

Water leak detection Milford, Ohio

Water leak detection Milford, Ohio

The water leak detection service was for a 3/4″ PVC water service running roughly 100 ft between two buildings. There was a wet spot in the asphalt parking lot which gave me a rough starting point. The water pressure was 75 psi and the system produced a surprisingly strong signal when it was checked with