Emergency Leak Detection for 400 Unit Apartment Complex

I received a desperate call from the manager of a large apartment community with a huge #pipeleak. She had almost 400 apartments without water due to a huge #waterleak. Her plumber had come out to view the leak and told her she needed #leakdetection and to call #ReliableLeakDetection. #Leakdetection allows for the location of a #waterleak to be determined so that a plumbing contractor can dig and repair the #waterleak in an efficient manner with minimal excavation/damage. #ReliableLeakDetection arrived within an hour and was able to determine the precise location of the #undergroundwaterleak. The apartment complex was losing close to 20 gallons/minute! The plumber, #RotoRooter, was able to repair the #leakingpipe within hours. This helped the apartment complex to remove the temporary pond and get their property back to normal by the next day. Water can be such a damaging force!

Emergency #leakdetection for huge #waterleak at 400 unit apartment complex

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