Gas line leak detection in Lincoln Heights, Ohio

Gas line leak detection in Lincoln Heights, Ohio

This was a gas leak job where the client, a large apartment complex in Lincoln Heights, had shut down 5 units for months due to gas leaking into them. The building was built in the 1970s and the gas was all iron fittings. Each apartment had a gas stove, water heater and furnace. All were shut off for the gas line leak detection service. The apartment complex maintenance personnel were prepared to rip out considerable amounts of drywall to assist in finding the leak. Reliable Leak Detection minimizes that damage by locating the lines in the walls, ceiling or floor to provide a more cost effective solution. This wasn’t necessary for this job as the leaking gas line was actually run in the crawl space. After finding the leak, it was determined that a bathtub drain trap, which was recently replaced, had been dripping on the gas line, for what was probably years. The result was a very corroded pipe which eventually failed. You can see the picture with the new bathtub trap (white PVC) and the gas line to the left looking OK and to the right being heavily corroded. The blue tape was set in place to indicate to the plumber which line needed to be replaced. Thanks to Don & Jim Kroeger of A.All Valley Plumbing for their help with installing the proper fittings to allow Reliable Leak Detection to perform the work.



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