Water leak detection at Trailer Park in Harrison, Ohio

Water leak detection at Trailer Park in Harrison, Ohio

This project involved a 1/2 mile long 1-1/2″ water service running from a pump house to 20 spread out trailer home sites. The water leak had started in December and had grown progressively worse over the past 6 months. I started listening with the system wet at the pump house and walked with the plumber through the trailer park, listening at each empty trailer pad and as we came to each trailer, opening the trailer skirt to look below for a water leak. We found the water leak at the second last trailer, under the skirt, which you can see in the attached photo and video (Click on link). The trailer park manager was thrilled because she was spending a small fortune for water. Water leak detection success! -One strange note about this job: Despite the fact that the leak was flowing at roughly 5 gpm, there was no indication of a water leak outside the trailer skirt! -CHECK OUT THIS LINK TO A SHORT VIDEO: http://accurateleaklocation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/1162VIDA.mov

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