Water Leak Location in Boone County, Kentucky

Water Leak Location in Boone County, Kentucky

Water leak location in Boone County, Kentucky: I received a call from Boone County with similar circumstances to the Hebron call, except they had not begun to dig yet. I ran the compressed air and you could see it surfacing at two locations due to the ground being completely saturated. I added helium into the system and it rose right between the two probed holes. My client was kind enough to Email me the second picture which shows that my locate was very accurate. He and his dad, who helped him dig, were very happy with the accurate leak location. His comment, which accompanied the second photo, was: “Phase one complete and you were very close to the leak!! I have a nice bubble coming up (right next to the flag) Thanks again” -It’s always nice to get feedback, thanks Shawn!


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