Boone County, Kentucky slab leak detection

Boone County, Kentucky slab leak detection

Boone County, Kentucky slab leak detection job was performed on a Saturday and involved an apartment where there wasn’t a valve to isolate the system, so I then switched to listening-only mode, which makes the leak location considerably more challenging. I was able to add some compressed air into the system which added to the ability to locate the underground slab leak. The maintenance supervisor did not want to drill the floor at the location due to concern that the leak would pour out onto the laundry floor and the plumber wasn’t able to make it until Monday, if an emergency situation would have occurred. The location on this one was off by a few feet due to the sanitary drain running directly over the leak and transferring the sound from the leak. This was quite surprising as the sound was coming up at one very specific point in a really concentrated manner and could not be heard where the leak actually was! Helium would have helped here, but the system could not be isolated for using helium.

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