Dayton Leak Detection

Dayton leak detection involving a small cemetery in Centerville with a 1000 ft of 1″ copper water service. The system included four ground hydrants (see pictures below) and a small administrative building with restrooms. The water leak was flowing at 1 gallon /minute. This is considered a large water leak.

The first step in the leak detection service is to find where the leaky water service was running. The cemetery crew, who were very helpful and knowledgeable, unfortunately did not know where the leaking water service ran. Luckily, the pipe material was copper, which allowed me to locate it using an electromagnetic water line locator. Once that step was finished, the next step was to add leak detection tracer gas for the leak detection test and listen through the leaking water system for the escaping gas, using a highly amplified listening device. I checked through the entire leaking water service and didn’t hear the sound of the leak that I expected. After running back over the line a second time, I was able to identify that the leak was actually at a recently replaced ground hydrant. Unfortunately, the groundskeeper bought an off-brand hydrant manufactured in China. It was not quality constructed and therefore needed to be replaced rather than inexpensively being rebuilt as with Woodford or Murdock ground hydrants. This is a case of spending more upfront saves a lot of money down the road!

The groundskeepers made sure to replace both the recently replaced ground hydrant as well as an ancient Woodford (they don’t last forever!). I always enjoy a difficult job! Call Reliable Leak Detection with your challenging water service leak at 513-488-6234.

The Washington Township Public Works Director, Mike Wanamaker, left a review: ” Brandt is great to work with! You won’t be disappointed.” Thanks Mike!

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